Friday, August 8, 2008

Chris Mortenson Is A Clown

It’s unbelievable. After Brett Favre unretired, this genius, who is most notable for telling us that Bill Parcells would retire after the 2003, 2004, 2005, AND 2006 seasons and then tooting his own horn when he was finally right, made several Favre-related predictions.

1) Brett would be welcomed back to the Packers.

2) Brett would be traded within the division, most likely to the Minnesota Vikings.

3) Brett Favre would be traded to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

4) Brett Favre was considering taking the Packers’ 25 million dollar marketing offer. Of course, Ed Werder reported the next day that Favre was considering spurning it as ESPN covered all the bases.
Mortenson was (surprise!) wrong again.

He predicted four different outcomes for the 2008 Brett Favre unretirement saga in the span of two months. All four were WRONG. Naturally, ESPN refuses to acknowledge this clown ever made these mistakes. After Favre was traded to the Jets, ESPNNews had the gall to actually have Mortenson on and ask him how he thought this trade would affect the Packers and Jets after he had proven without a shadow of a doubt that he had no idea what he was talking about.

Maybe I’m just still bitter about the 2006 NFC Championship game, when Mortenson, Sean Salisbury and five other ESPN experts predicted the Saints would prevail over the host Chicago Bears, ignoring just about every sign along the way. Mortenson was wrong about that too, as you may have guessed.

Ja Doe attended his first major league game at Municipal Stadium in Cleveland during August of 1992. The Indians beat the Rangers 6 – 2 on a Paul Sorrento home run.

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