Monday, August 18, 2008

An order of Turd pudding and a side of BROWN pants?

Yes, nothing like hearing know-nothings like Tony Kornheiser talk about how bad your football team is for an hour during their first nationally televised appearance of the year. Almost as good is having the ESPN announce team pronounce that the Browns had no chance against the Giants in the rematch later in the season because of the results of one quarter of one preseason game. Good thing the Giants didn't show up for the NFC title game in Lambeau after getting dominated by the Packers last regular season, I'll tell you that.

And nothing like seeing D.A. leave with a concussion.

And nothing like seeing Brown pants. WTF??? Look, either bring back the Brian Sipe orange pants, or stick with the white shirt white pants look. And God help us if they ever went all Brown...

Anyway, clearly the team is just lulling the rest of the league into a false sense of security. Yuck.

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